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How a Workflow tool helps you with change management in your organization
87% of companies that worked with a Workflow tool in 2022 for change management will continue to use it this year.
The year is starting and with it, the change management your company has to face. It is very likely that, in order to successfully overcome them, you will have to adapt to the market and be aware of new regulations as they arise. Moreover, these changes can be of numerous types: from restructuring your company due to growth and the implementation of new technologies, to the reassignment of roles and responsibilities, and changes in the culture of the organization.
Typically, there are several people in charge of managing these changes and they have to spend much of their time making sure they are implemented correctly and internalized by employees.
In this situation, it is very common for problems to arise.
To begin with, any change management is a challenge for companies and those in charge of carrying it out may not succeed if they do not have the right skills and tools. To all this, we must add the resistance to change of the parts involved, for different reasons (they are not what they expected, they are difficult to implement, etc.) and the decrease in productivity that the whole company suffers during the process.
With change management, security issues of many types can occur, such as unauthorized access to confidential information or non-compliance with security policies, resulting in legal problems.
This process is often costly, not only in monetary terms but also in terms of time. In addition, the work involved in implementing this new way of working is lost when changes occur again.
To better adapt to the new situation, a Workflow tool is the best solution. Let’s take it one step at a time.
The Workflow tool: your best ally
Wouldn’t it be great if, every time there is an internal change in your company, you didn’t have to repeat the whole process from scratch? This is where a Workflow tool comes in.
Knowledge is power
One of the main problems when internal changes occur is that people no longer know the right way to work: Does this information have to be passed on and reviewed by someone else now? Do I need someone’s approval to send this to the customer?
These are some of the doubts that can arise in the adaptation process. However, with a Workflow tool this is a piece of cake, as you can create the process you need and share it with everyone on your team. This way, the way of working is unified and everyone knows their role and responsibilities at all times.
Try new ideas without fear
When it comes to implementing internal changes, one of the most complicated parts is knowing the best way to carry them out.
In general, when the person in charge makes a decision, he cannot make changes later, due to the great efforts, both in time and money, involved in their implementation.
However, this does not happen with a Workflow tool, since you can set up your processes and modify them as many times as you need, until you find the most efficient one.
Do your processes change? Adapt them!
This point is directly related to the previous one, since, with the passage of time, changes may occur that directly affect the process that was the most efficient, such as the departure of a person from the team or a new technology that you are going to implement.
When this happens with a Workflow tool, adapting the process to your new situation will be a matter of minutes. In addition, with Docuo, you don’t need our help to do it, since the tool is designed so that you can manage it 100%.
Communication: the key to success
Managing internal changes without good communication and collaboration of the parties involved is synonymous of failure. To avoid this, a Workflow tool allows you to alert people when it is time to act through automatic emails, assign tasks and even collect information through web forms.
This way, your team members will work together more efficiently and will be aware of all the changes that occur in real time.
By having a tool instead of a manual process, changes can be made quickly and centrally, allowing the organization to be more agile and better able to adapt to changes. In addition, by having automated tracking, you can check that changes are implemented correctly and detect problems before they cause a significant impact. In short, a Workflow tool makes your life much easier.