Your Procurement Processes automated and simple

Approval of suppliers, issuance of purchase orders, payment authorization, and more!

Your Procurement Processes automated and simpleYour Procurement Processes automated and simple


Manage essential procurement processes

Increase your team’s productivity with the most user-friendly procurement software:

Supplier Approval

Collect your information through forms and automate their validation, following the steps you need.

Purchase orders

Manage all phases of the purchase process without leaving the tool: request, status, and more!

Automatic alerts

Is the merchandise delayed? Do you need to approve an order? Has a supplier filled out a form? Docuo notifies you.

Your invoices under control

Create a single point of entry for your purchase invoices. Order and organization from minute 1.

Connect Docuo with your ERP

Export, in seconds, all your invoice data to your usual invoicing software (ERP).

Are you still managing your purchasing processes with Outlook, Excel and shared folders...?

Find out how we’ve helped hundreds of teams just like yours.

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