Integrated Management of Food Contracts

Store your organization's Food Contracts in one place and ensure compliance thanks to Automatic Synchronization with the Food Contract Registry (AICA).

Integrated Management of Food ContractsIntegrated Management of Food Contracts


Seamless integration with the Register of Food ContractsSeamless integration with the Register of Food Contracts

Seamless integration with the Register of Food Contracts

Docuo synchronizes directly with the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) Register, allowing you to comply with legal requirements without additional effort. Forget about manual registrations and reduce the risk of errors.

Centralized contract managementCentralized contract management

Centralized contract management

Docuo offers you a centralized platform to manage all your food contracts. You will be able to store, organize and easily access your documents from a single place, which will increase the efficiency and productivity of your organization.

Data security and confidentialityData security and confidentiality

Data security and confidentiality

We understand the importance of confidentiality in contract management. With Docuo, your data will be protected by robust security measures, guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information.

Platform certified under the National Security Schema.

Certified Information Security Management System (ISO 27001).

Automatic update of contractsAutomatic update of contracts

Automatic update of contracts

Thanks to the direct integration with AICA, Docuo can keep your food contracts updated in real time. Any modifications made to contracts will be automatically reflected in the Food Contract Register, avoiding the need for additional manual entries.

Notifications and remindersNotifications and reminders

Notifications and reminders

Our notification system will keep you informed of contract deadlines, renewals or expirations. In addition, you will receive reminders to ensure that contracts are properly registered in the Registry within the established deadlines.

Change history and traceabilityChange history and traceability

Change history and traceability

With Docuo, you will be able to access the change history of your contracts, allowing you to track and audit any changes made. This functionality is especially useful for maintaining traceability and complying with the documentation requirements demanded by the standards.

Personalized support and assistancePersonalized support and assistance

Personalized support and assistance

Our team of contract management experts will be available to provide you with personalized assistance in the implementation and use of the plugin. We will provide you with the necessary support to ensure a smooth and successful transition to our contract management solution.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Registry of Maintenance Contracts

What is the Food Contract Register?

The Register of Food Contracts is a tool created in compliance with the Food Chain Law, which aims to facilitate the monitoring and control of the food supply chain. It is a database that registers commercial agreements in the food industry.

What is it for?

The purpose of the register is to provide the supervisory authorities with an effective tool for carrying out inspections, monitoring the functioning of the food chain and dealing with possible sanctioning procedures.

What legislation regulates it?

Royal Decree 1028/2022, of December 20, establishes the provisions for the development and operation of the Registry of Food Contracts. in compliance with Article 11.bis of Law 12/2013, known as the Food Chain Law. This law, in its last amendment in December 2021, required the creation of the registry.

What entities have access to the contents of the register?

Only the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) and the competent authorities of the autonomous communities have access to the contents of the Register of Food Contracts.

Who is obliged to enter their contracts in the register?

Buyers (natural persons, legal entities or public authorities) who enter into contracts subject to the Food Chain Act are obliged to enter their contracts in the register. For example, supermarkets.

What types of contracts must be entered in the register?

Contracts subject to the Food Chain Law entered into between a buyer and a seller who is a primary producer or a group of primary producers must be entered in the register. Integration contracts and contracts for the first procurement of raw milk are also included.

Are there any contracts that are exempt from registration?

Food contracts entered into between a cooperative or associative entity and its members are not required to be recorded in the registry, provided that the bylaws or agreements of the associative entity regulate the procedures for determining the value and liquidation schedule.

What are the annexes and supplementary information that must be recorded in the registry?

In addition to the contracts mentioned above, the Royal Decree establishes the mandatory registration of the annexes and complementary information to the contract that form an integral part of the contract or have a direct impact on the determination of the minimum elements of the contract provided for in the Food Chain Law.

When must contracts be entered in the register?

According to the provisions of the Food Chain Law, the operator who procures from primary producers and groups of primary producers is obliged to register each contract and its amendments prior to the delivery of the product covered by the contract.

What is the legal deadline for mandatory registration of contracts in the register?

The legal deadline for all contracts to be compulsorily registered is June 30, 2023.

What happens if an entity fails to comply with the registration obligation?

Failure to comply with the registration obligation may have legal consequences and be subject to penalties as set forth in the applicable standards.

What are the recommendations to comply with the standard efficiently?

It is recommended to comply with the obligation to register contracts within the established deadlines, use digital contract management solutions to facilitate the process and seek specific legal advice to ensure proper compliance with the standards.