Documents and Part Numbers: Document Management for component manufacturing in engineering

Stores technical documentation without duplicates and up to date. Always available for authorized suppliers and your team's on-site work.

Documents and Part Numbers: Document Management for component manufacturing in engineeringDocuments and Part Numbers: Document Management for component manufacturing in engineering


 Well-organized database Well-organized database

Well-organized database

Part Numbers and structures with all their documentation.

Store each document only once, with its version and revision, associated with the Part Numbers it affects and the structures it is part of.

When a document changes, say goodbye to checking each folder. You will only need to make the change in one place, and it will automatically update for all suppliers, sending them a notification.

Organize the information and documentation in the way you prefer by their type: drawings, work instructions, specifications, etc.

Permissions for SuppliersPermissions for Suppliers

Permissions for Suppliers

Share what you want from the Web Portal.

Thanks to the structures and the association between documents and Part Numbers we've created in Docuo, allow your suppliers to view a document and all the folders above it.

Do you need to keep obsolete documentation but your suppliers only want the current versions? Easy: with just one click, you can adjust their permissions and allow them to see only what they need.

Security and ControlSecurity and Control

Security and Control

Know the status of your information at all times.

Receive real-time notifications of all changes made to a document and know its status at a glance thanks to our Kanban boards.

Through your iOS or Android device, you can view processes for on-site work without needing to carry paper instructions or go to a computer.

Thanks to Docuo's processes, you will comply with the regulatory requirements set by ICAO, EASA, JAA, and FAA, among others, creating an ideal workspace for ensuring safety compliance.

The Software Designed for Document and Part Number Management

Discover the structures and the association between documents and Part Numbers that we have in Docuo specifically for this issue.

A single document that goes into all the folders of different suppliers. Say goodbye to duplicates.

Custom permissions (with just one click) for each of your suppliers.

100% secure workspace configured for regulatory compliance.

Start using Docuo today.

Working with your Documents and Part Numbers has never been easier.

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