How to perform “Data mining” in your Document Management Software
In this post I am going to show you one of the most useful functionalities of Docuo and at the same time one of the least used, the creation of queries to filter documents that meet certain conditions, range of dates, name of the client, amount of a certain field ,etc.
Normally most of the companies need to get certain information periodically, offers between dates, expired contracts, open incidents, etc. It is usually a very tedious task, for example to search all accepted offers among a range of dates you should check the date of acceptance of all of them and then filter them by the range of dates you need.
Exploiting the information that you have already entered into any software to find the one you are interested is a task known as “Data Mining”, and in Docuo it is carried out through user-designed queries.
In order to extract information optimally from your document manager, it is essential that you have correctly prepared the metadata of your document categories.
With the queries, you only have to configure the parameters by which you want to filter the information once and then execute the query when you need it.
Create custom queries
From Docuo you can create queries to get the information you need just by pressing a button.
From the green folder you can see the existing queries and create new custom queries.
The window to create queries works in a similar way to the custom view of the categories, you can select the fields that you want to show when the query is executed.
For example you can create a query that shows all the documents with the information of the user who created it and the date of creation.
You just have to name the query and check the information you want to show.
You can see more detailed information on how to create queries here
Show only documents that meet some conditions
Whenever you have previously stored the information in the fields and attributes of the documents you can create queries that filter the results based on the value of certain fields.
For example, to create a query that shows only the accepted offers among a range of dates, you have to add a condition in the “Accepted” field to ask the range of dates when executing the query
When executing the query, ask the range of dates by which it will be filtered.
When accepting, only shows the results that match the defined date range.
Export the information to Excel
The option of filtering the documents with certain criteria and that the information is updated as these conditions are met is very useful but sometimes we need to create graphs and statistics to better manage the information.
Once you have executed the query you can export all the information you see on the screen to Excel, and from there work with the data.
The creation of queries is the best way to exploit all the information stored, at first it may take a while to create queries to obtain the results we really need but from the customer service department we are here to help you as much as possible.
I hope that after reading me you have a little clearer what queries are and how to get the most out of them.
Conchi Liébana.